Thursday, November 1, 2007

Dia de los Santos

Hoy es el Dia de los Santos aqui. One of my students invited me to come have lunch with his family today, and eat a traditional meal called "fieambre." Fieambre consists of about 16 different kinds of meat (likely from 16 different parts of the different animals :)) so I went knowing I just couldn't think about that. But it was really amazing! It consists of about every vegetable under the sun, a plethora of meat, and all sorts of additions... followed by a rich dessert! This is a picture of "fiembre colorado" made with beets in the mix. I had "fiembre blanco" with my familia. The photo above is the frame of a huge kite that they decorate here with thin paper to celebrate Dia de los Santos. It stems from a Mayan belief and tradition- they attach letters to their ancestors that they float to the sky on the strings of the kite. Mayan and Catholic traditions often bled seamlessly.


Paige said...

Daring on the meal thing! Good for you. I don't know if I could have handled that. Way to not miss out on some culture! Beautiful photos, per usual :)

Carmen Goetschius said...

You are the most incredible photographer. I think you should publish a little book upon your return to the states. Know what I just realized?!? You and I will be in the NE together in 2009. That makes me happy!
Gross meat thing Ems. You are seriously brave. Love you, Carmen

Nora said...

Hi Emily,
It's wonderful to see the beautiful pictures and I couldn't agree more with Paige and Carmen!
I love the section of "Up on the Roof", remember, that is the name of the cabin!
Take care,