Sunday, September 30, 2007

Piñatas and more...

Our Spanish school took a little flied trip last Friday to a nearby town to celebrate "dia de los ninos" with the children in one of the schools there. We brought pinatas stuffed with candy (which I'm not sure their teeth needed, or their parents appreciated) but they seemed delighted of course! We played games with them for the entire morning, and I was reminded yet again of the amazing capacity children have to break down language and all sorts of other barriers with ease!

Traditional and modern styles blend here. A little girl peeks to see how much candy she has stashed down her shirt!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

La Antigua- la bonita

Some of my favorite pictures... sites... spots... in this colorful place!
This last photo is a shot of mi casa aqui. I live with a couple in a house here, and have the top level (a room, bathroom, and veranda) to myself. It's the lap of luxury for another two weeks!


Any where and everywhere you go... somethings for sale. I suppose that's always true, but it seems to be more so here, or more in my face here. The tension of being an American, a Westerner, a tourist of sorts (or and least seen as one) is where and how to spend money... where is it hurtful, helpful, harmful?

Independence Day Festivities

September 15th is Guatemala's Independence Day ("from Spain" my Spanish teacher was quick to add... "not from the rest of the West") It was right before the presidential elections here. I happened to catch this parade that passed through the central square, and took the opportunity for photographic exploration. I felt less like a tourist as all the Guatemalans were taking photos as well.
Hermano Pedro is represented above: He was a priest in Antigua during the 17th century, who is celebrated for his care for the poor and development of schools and hospitals here in the city. I happened to stay at "Hermano Pedro Hospital Privado" and am thankful for his legacy here!

Joining the world of Bloggers...

Hello friends! I too... am joining the world of bloggers-but not really as a blogger. I'll keep you posted with photos, stories, and musings when I'm able, in an attempt to share some of what I am experiencing here in Guatemala this year.

Travis joined me for my first two and a half weeks in Guatemala. We traveled to the astonishingly beautiful "Lago Atitlan" and stayed at Casa Del Mundo for several days. We returned to Antigua for a week of "espanol" and salsa classes, and then took a week to relax and enjoy Antigua and some of the surrounding towns.

After Travis returned to the States for school, I discovered the power and potency of the bacteria here with a bacterial infection that landed me in the hospital for three days. I am feeling much better now and was able to return to language school this past week. I am more grateful than ever for the miracles of modern medicine, and am daily thankful for my health!

Other than that excitement, my transition into life here has been smooth and enjoyable. I live with a couple from the U.S. (so I don't get to practice Spanish as much as I would like to yet), but we do play Settlers of Catan almost nightly :), and I am enjoying their community here. I found a gourmet shop that sells such luxury items as Trader Joe's Yellow Curry sauce, and Ocean Spray Cranberry juice... So life... for now... feels fairly normal. That is--aside from the gated community I live in, the security whistles that blow all night, the self (and culture) imposed curfew of 6pm, rooster crows, diesel fumes, and a long distance engagement--life feels normal.

I am continually thankful for the opportunity to be here, to learn and to grow in this place and time... and for all that lies ahead. Join me on the journey whenever you're able!