Saturday, September 29, 2007

Independence Day Festivities

September 15th is Guatemala's Independence Day ("from Spain" my Spanish teacher was quick to add... "not from the rest of the West") It was right before the presidential elections here. I happened to catch this parade that passed through the central square, and took the opportunity for photographic exploration. I felt less like a tourist as all the Guatemalans were taking photos as well.
Hermano Pedro is represented above: He was a priest in Antigua during the 17th century, who is celebrated for his care for the poor and development of schools and hospitals here in the city. I happened to stay at "Hermano Pedro Hospital Privado" and am thankful for his legacy here!

1 comment:

Jill VW said...

these pictures are Fantastic! I love how they stand out against the black background. I also think you're funny - because your disclaimer is that
you're not a blogger" then you went on to define what you are going to do....which IS blogging. Esta loco!