Monday, November 12, 2007

Cultural billboards

These "kites" made of paper with bamboo frames are made for Dia de los Santos celebrations throughout Guatemala and were brought to this park near my house for a nation wide competition and festival on Sunday.
The patterns are intricate & beautiful! A magnificent view of Volcan Agua from the park.
"Fraternal equality and respect is the basis of cultural development, by the power of our people united among brothers and sisters, to fight to keep our customs and traditions alive."
Take-down: we arrived at the tail end of the festivities.
Several kites were made by groups of youth and had strong messages about violence against women, the value of Mayan culture & work of all forms. This one says "Violence against women grows greater each day, and we the youth, raise our voices to say that we've had enough of the violence, because to respect life is weave peace."

"Let us not lose our tradition and culture."

"We value the work of women" and "We care for nature as water does"
I went with Alejandro, Maria and Kalla, my friends from language school in Antigua who are also living in the city now. I enjoy all of them and their companionship very much!

Here's a squinting self-take to prove that I really am the one behind the camera- taking all these photos :).

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