Saturday, October 13, 2007

Hablo Espanol!

Friday was my last day of Spanish class, which is both exciting and terrifying! I now have to use, practice, and become more fluid with all the grammar and vocabulary that I "know" on paper. I will be living with a Spanish speaking family for a while in the city which should give me plenty of opportunities to practice, in addition to the classes and work I'll be doing. The picture to the left is my Spanish teacher, Marta Lidia and I, where we had breakfast together on my last morning. She was an excellent teacher, and wonderful companion to me throughout my month here. It's amazing how well you know someone after spening four hours with them each day in conversational langague lessons for over a month! She is intelligent, warm, fiesty, hurmorous and really just delightful to be with. I'll miss her. In fact, she one of my only friends here so far. Maria (my new Swedish friend) and I joked yesterday that we can call someone our friend if we 1) have their contact information 2) see them on a daily basis or 3) see them outside of language school more than once! So Maria and her husband Alejandro, are two of my new friends. They were at the language school with Travis and I our first week, and will be moving to Guatemala City as well to live and work there. I am thankful for new friends in this foreign land.

I had to take these pictures below because they are comical to me. First, because I trip and nearly fall almost daily on the streets here, but second, because I cannot imagine navigating Antigua in a wheelchair, or with a cane! These signs are imbedded in the pavement along the main avenue here with cracks through the sidewalks and cobbelstone streets!

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